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Copper is lost!

Lost Date October 17th, 4:00pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 5618 W Old Fort Dr, Spokane, WA 99208, USA


pet found at marker location on map


%name%, a %color% %breed% %type%
Tag Code L3HKD9 (Expired)
Breed Dsh
Species Cat

Basic Information

Color Apricot, Orange
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 977200008948593
Pet Date of Birth 02/10/2013
Identifying Markings pale green eyes
Coat short to medium length
Pet Biography I was adopted from a shelter. I have the palest mint green eyes you will ever see and a white spot between my back legs. I'm yours for a good can of wet cat food, none of that dry stuff will do. I have three younger cat brother's and two younger great Dane siblings. My favorite place to sleep is my grandma's car seat when she leaves the windows down. Not too long ago i had surgery to put a metal plate in my right leg, thus i can't bend it.

Owner Information

Owner Name Charlene Mcreynolds
Phone Number (509) 595-2044
Home Address 5618 W Old Fort Dr
Spokane WA 99208

Pet Care Information

Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Children Yes
Friendly with Dogs Yes
Primarily Outdoors Yes
Type of Food wet food
Feeding Schedule and Amount morning one can evening one can
Permissible Foods any

Medical Information

Vaccines up to date on all vaccines.
Medications none
Allergies none
Veterinarian Indian Trail Animal Hospital