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Monster is lost!

Lost Date May 30th, 3:00pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 12922 N Mill Rd, Spokane, WA 99208, USA
-REWARD - Monster is only about 2 months old he has beautiful blue eyes and is extremely friendly, he was playing in our backyard with his momma’s tail while she was sunbathing in the dirt while Monster hopped and bounced around it when he vanished, Miha is still crying pacing back and forth over the perimeter of where he always played, but there’s no trace of him, his momma Miha is so sad she isn’t eating she just lays there in her box she shared with her only ever surfing kitten waiting for him my heart is broken and the worst part is I think Miha saw what happened in fact the way she behaves when she hears a car pull up it’s as if she’s waiting for the to bring him back and so I believe someone took him and I think it’s possible they were in a car she also recognized. What kind of heartless piece of garbage does this. Amanda 509-550-8264


pet found at marker location on map


%name%, a %color% %breed% %type%
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Species Cat

Basic Information

Color White, Apricot
Gender Male
Pet Date of Birth 03/10/2024

Owner Information

Owner Name Amanda King
Cell Phone Number (509) 550-8264
Home Address 12922 N Mill Rd
Spokane WA 99208

Pet Care Information

Medical Information